Leon Brocard wrote:
> Greg Cope sent the following bits through the ether:
> > I want to design a mailer for sending large numbers of individual
> > messages to a large list.
> You're writing a mailer in Perl. Mailers have been done before. If
> you're using a slow one, then look at other ones, such as exim.

I've copied the socket stuff from Bulkmail.pm which is a simple SMTP
client, its just all mailers are too slow due to disk / queue management
(Dom's summed it up well in his mail.)


<holy war>
qmails better than all of them :-)
</holy war>

> Leon
> --
> Leon Brocard.............................http://www.astray.com/
> Iterative Software...........http://www.iterative-software.com/
> ... S met ing's hap ening t my k ybo rd . .

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