On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 12:09:44PM +0100, Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 12:00:55PM +0100, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> > As per the original mail, I don't think that they are.  They are all
> > individual messages.
> No. If you do the RCPT strategy below, they are one message in the queue,
> with a single queue-id and multiple recipients.

No, the messages have individual bodies and single recipients is what I
meant.  They can't be combined in the manner you're thinking of.  The
message data will be different for each recipient.


> > > MBM (really really anti-qm**l)
> > IMHO, the only, really sensible reason to be anti-qmail is the fact that
> > it's not open source and the author is a fascist idiot.
> It *is* open-source. It's *not* Free Software. But yeah.

Ok, apologies, I mean free software.  I don't like it one little bit
either way.  Christ, I'd even appreciate a valid LICENSE file in with it
so I knew where I stood...


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