OK, I've been banging my head against the wall here, and I've
got conflicting answers on IRC, so I thought I'd ask a question
which'll probably start a flamewar, distracting me from the
problem at hand *g*

I have a project. The details don't really matter (it's a
bug tracking system for hardware / firmware, FWIW, and no
existing open-source software seems to do the job), but it's
essentially a bunch of CGI scripts (using Template-Toolkit
for the time being, though I'd like not to), with some
perl modules in the middle, and a backend, which is currently
a MySQL databas, to which we connect with DBI/DBD.

However, I'm trying to future-proof on this project, so
I'd like some optional backend modules which can be swapped
in by changing a single configuration line - for example,
using an LDAP server instead of a database table for user
password authentication and privileges.

[Obligatory london.pm break]
Buffy. Buffy's a top program. I wish I had time to watch it
regularly, or the money to buy the videos or DVDs.
[end of break]

What's the best way to do this code-wise? In my CGI, I
want to be able to call a single function which will
work out (in the modular backend) what it has to do to
get the desired information. I'd also like the parent module
(the one with the configuration info that loads all the other
desired modules) not to need to know about the API between say
the CGI and the authentication code.

I've tried Exporter throwing
functions all over the shop, I've tried object orienting
until $cow->{'position'} == $home, and I still can't get it to
work nicely. Any tips, suggestions, methodologies?

With apologies for a perl-related question,

"Four pints of milk, a turkey baster and some plastic
 tubing, that's all you need."

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