Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 11:06:02PM +0100, Dave Cross wrote:
> > 
> > Incidently, perlfaq9 says that when using sendmail from a 
> > Perl script, you should use the flags "-oi -t -odq". I found
> > that when I used -odq, the 

Well, I would have said "you can use the flags" rather than "you should use
the flags", but yes.

> I would also recommend '-oem'.

What's that do? Something about emailing the originator on any problems?

> -odq is a "queue only" switch, according to my copy of the 
> Bat Book. Thus the mail will sit in the queue until a queue
> run happens.

While MBM answered your question, Dave, I'd like to point out that you could
have found out yourself with a bit more RTFM'ing :)

: and -odq says to put the message into the queue. This last
: option means your message won't be immediately delivered, so
: leave it out if you want immediate delivery.

(From `perldoc -q "send mail"` on Perl v5.6.0, but I'm fairly certain that
passage was in the 5.005_03 docs as well.)

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All opinions are my own, not my employer's.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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