On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 01:14:46PM +0200, Newton, Philip wrote:
> Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 11:06:02PM +0100, Dave Cross wrote:
> > > Incidently, perlfaq9 says that when using sendmail from a 
> > > Perl script, you should use the flags "-oi -t -odq". I found
> > > that when I used -odq, the 
> Well, I would have said "you can use the flags" rather than "you should use
> the flags", but yes.
> > I would also recommend '-oem'.
> What's that do? Something about emailing the originator on any problems?

>From the exim docs: http://www.exim.org/exim-html-3.30/doc/html/spec_5.html
(this doesn't mean that sendmail doesn't have it, just that the bat book is
 at home, and I know my way around the exim docs. :-)
| -oee
| If an error is detected while a non-SMTP message is being received (for
| example, a malformed address), the error is reported to the sender in a
| mail message. Provided the message is successfully sent, Exim exits with
| a return code of zero. If not, the return code is 2 if the error was that
| the message had no recipients, and 1 otherwise. This is the default -oex
| option if Exim is called as rmail.
| -oem
| This is the same as -oee, except that Exim always exits with a non-zero
| return code, whether or not the error message was successfully sent. This
| is the default -oex option, unless Exim is called as rmail.

So yeah, sort of, but with the error code reporting too that something wasn't
quite right. I never really care about what it does, ony that I know that it
does the right thing and that the error code works. :-)

> > -odq is a "queue only" switch, according to my copy of the 
> > Bat Book. Thus the mail will sit in the queue until a queue
> > run happens.
> While MBM answered your question, Dave, I'd like to point out that you could
> have found out yourself with a bit more RTFM'ing :)

Or indeed any other mailer reference. I'm sure the sendmail one says it
somewhere. The advantage of doing this, is, of course that under high load,
the queue can be vaguely optimised by MX.

[snip philip's manual]


Matthew Byng-Maddick         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           http://colondot.net/

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