On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 04:02:09PM +0100, Mark Fowler wrote:
> Erk! At 300usd I'd expect to be able to read my mail on them too!

Apparently, they're as good as similar models priced at the 1000usd end of
the spectrum, but at less than a third the price... 8) So arguably, they're
*already* Ferrari performance for Mondeo price!

> Are there similar kinds of thing in the 0->60ukp mark[1]

Not really. You can get some decent sounding phones at that price, but
I'd stay away from the Timmy Mallet. I wouldn't recommend noise cancelling 
phones as they tend to be tuned more for background hum than normal office
noise, and they don't tend to filter out background music terribly well
either - at least not in my experience... 8).

A good consumer-based review guide is here:

hope this might help (a bit!)


Chris Carline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://chris.carline.org/
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