On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:

> [stuff stuff stuff] happy ending [more stuff]

It's worth noting that this was apparently not just another gratuitous
Spielbergism. It was apparently part of the story as Kubrick was planning
on telling it, and as produced by Speilberg was true to that. 

So to me, the real question isn't that Spielberg ruined it, but that he
may have been faithful to it, and if that's the case, and if you
previously had a high opinion of Kubrick (obviously, not everyone does or
did), then does this change it? If the exact same movie had some out but
it didn't have Steven Spielberg's name on it, would you still hate it?

Also, if you think about it a bit more, it's unlikely that those things at
the end were aliens, though they were certainly more "Close Encounters"ey
than maybe would have otherwise been expected. Think of them as being, er,
Something Else And Much More Obvious and it fits the story better. 

I'd blurt it out but am trying to play the no-spoilers game...

Chris Devers                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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