On Fri 09 Nov 2001, Dave Cross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With next month being Xmas, there will be many office parties going
> on and it's probably a good idea to book the room as soon as
> possible. [...] Would it be possible for someone to speak to the
> Three Cups people and get that sorted out soon please.

Um, ugh, oops. OK, I went to speak to them today. They've booked out
the room for an afternoon lunch thing on the 6th, and they can't
guarantee it'll be free by 6. People who came along around 6-ish last
month will know that this would be a Bad Thing, since the downstairs
was very crowded by then. We can have the room on the 13th, however.
How is that? They have pencilled us in for then, and I am to phone
tomorrow to confirm or cancel. Someone please let me know ASAP what I
should do.


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