On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 03:38:14PM +0000, aef wrote:

>  would a Friday meeting be a possibility? It doesn't
> make a lot of difference to me, but it might allow
> some more non-Nodnol people to turn up.

Friday meetings would be *excellent*, speaking as a not
Nodnol person. OK, as a regular thing it'd probably not
be good, as I'm sure even perl geeks can find something
to do on a Friday night, but I'd be well up for it every
now and again.

KCBpd lWmulvo ECS+ m5 CPEIV B13 Ou Lmb Sc+isIC+ T++ A6LAT H6oe b5 D+
 - See http://bob.bob.bofh.org/~giolla/bobcode.html for decoding
Website: http://www.cpio.org/~grimoire
Writing: http://www.livejournal.com/~diffrentcolours

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