Philip Newton wrote:
> I've got an old £10 note that I got from my grandmother several years
> ago and kept off using, and now my bank won't change it for me any more
> :( IIRC, it's slightly larger than corrent £10 notes. It's got Florence
> Nightingale on the back.

s/several years/a long time/ :)
The current £10 note has Charles Darwin on it, who replaced Charles
Dickens' image last year.  The fact that your bank won't take it is a
significant omen.

> I presume that old bank notes can be changed in England for new ones,
> possibly at any bank or, as a last resort, in some central bank (BoE,
> perhaps?).

I suspect you may now just have a piece of paper. I doubt that banks
will take it now. Shops, unless staffed by very inattentive clerks,
won't accept it.  might have some pertinent info (though I
doubt it, it's not a great site from the look of it).

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