nik butler wrote:
> Ive been asked to provide a "further reason" and presentation to a local independent 
>school. It would be quite a coo to get in the door here as I would really like to get 
>this Educational establishment using some flavour of Linux.
> Im getting the usual anti open source arguments along the lines of
> 1. We will never get any support.
> 2. Students should use software which is commercially recognisable
> 3. Students should use tools which they will encounter in the real world.

Here is a list of UK job ads containing the word "linux".

That search came up with ~1750 job listings. A search for NT came up
with 2500 hits. These figures contain N-plicates of course, but it suits
your purpose to assume that the ratio is valid.  Not bad for something
"commercially unrecognisable". 

> Yes I could google for the usual advocacy rules. And gawd only knows that for the 
>last few years Ive been preaching it so hard that I am selling it to businesses but 
>selling to education is something else !

Indeed. Don't even get me started. :| My daughter got yelled at for
asking about whether or not the IT coursework at her school would
contain a  programming module (a resounding and illogically argued NO,
even though she did not ask for an argument, she was just asking). On
the bright side, the guy who actually runs the IT lab is big on open
source and their servers run linux, apache, etc.

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