If you want to do it on the cheap and dont mind getting your hands a
little dirty then Id get down to a PC world pretty sharpish. There
selling sitecom card for approx 50 quid a pop. Great thing about these
is there prismII based so you can run a Linux box ( with a PCMCIA
adaptor ) as an AP [1]. Another couple of cards for your clients and
you'll have a wireless network for under the price of a stand alone
access point. 

Sorry to sound like a saleman. 

  -- mallum
     ( who has this set up at home but with orinoco cards as clients )    

PS Sitecom card should work fine in an Ipaq running Linux, not sure
about that CE thing though. 

[1] http://people.ssh.com/jkm/Prism2/

on Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 04:43:53AM -0600, Richard Clyne wrote:
> I am just about to purchase some 802.11b bits to link my home network to
> my iPaq (+other bits in the future)  The iPaq will be running WinCE or
> Linux (I keep changing my mind over what to run) and will need a PCMCIA
> card.  I am thinking that I'd prefer a basic access point rather than a
> card in a PC.  At the moment I'm looking at the Netgear range.  Any
> comments about Netgear vs other manufacturers, or suggestions on a good
> place to buy the bits?
> Thanks
> Richard
> Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam
> possit materiari?

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