I just thought that I'd give a followup in case anyone is interested.

(if not - you get it anyway!)

I bought a Netgear MR314 Router.  Reviews seemed to say it had a few
limitations compared to other boxes, but they seem to cost a lot more.
At 125 GBP (+VAT) I'll accept limitations.  Now comes the real work as I
try to get all the systems to talk to each other.

Eventually I'd like to see if there are other 802.11b users in the High
Wycombe/Hazlemere area to look at how well a community net could work in
a hilly area.

Also, I found that Smoothwall has forked to a project called IPCop.
IPCop seems to actively promote the GPL side, so it'll be interesting to
see which project moves forward better.  I'm trying IPCop at the moment.

Thanks for all the help,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Clyne 
> Sent: 08 January 2002 10:44
> Subject:      [OT] Wireless Networking
> I am just about to purchase some 802.11b bits to link my home network
> to my iPaq (+other bits in the future)  The iPaq will be running WinCE
> or Linux (I keep changing my mind over what to run) and will need a
> PCMCIA card.  I am thinking that I'd prefer a basic access point
> rather than a card in a PC.  At the moment I'm looking at the Netgear
> range.  Any comments about Netgear vs other manufacturers, or
> suggestions on a good place to buy the bits?
> Thanks
> Richard
> Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam
> possit materiari?

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