On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 11:20:13AM -0600, Chris Devers wrote:
>  * O'Reilly are laying off 16 people
>    Are they in trouble?


>    In danger?

Who isn't, right now? There'll be lots of talk, I'm sure. For the
reality, wait and see.

>    What would the repurcussions of this be? 

Less money for me, that's for sure!

>    They seem to be pretty big advocates (biggest?) of a lot of the 
>    open source stuff, particularly Perl. These projects may not end if
>    O'Reilly suffers or disappears, but they might be impeded badly, no?

I can't speak for ORA, nor would I ever do if I could, but... I'm sure
that all at O'Reilly believe that one of the great strengths of Open
Source projects is their independence from commercial pressure. If ORA
folds (which it won't) then Perl will continue, Perl 6 development will
continue, Perl conferences will continue to happen, and people around
the world will still love Perl and enjoy programming in it and exploring
its boundaries. You wouldn't notice a difference. (Unless you're looking
at perl.com ;)

You advocate a lot of egg sucking but you're not very forthcoming with the 
eggs. - Phil Winterbottom (to ken)

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