Dan Sugalski [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>At 09:44 AM 1/10/2002 -0600, Chris Devers wrote:
*>>Oh no! May I ask who the editor-in-chief was? None of the books seem to
*>>mention this position at all, though I've noticed that they have been
*>>adjusting the format of their books recently (not as many with RepCover
*>>binding, less color on the book spines (is the ink expensive or is this
*>>just aesthetic?), etc., and the colophons now read, not "designed by Edie

I noticed the spine colour change too since, at one point, my tech library
was over 150 books [ academia, they may not pay well but they do at least
buy you books :) ] and I nerdily organised my ORA books by spine colour
since it meant something. I enquired about the change since it makes the
books look terribly generic now when spine out on the shelf...from what I
gather it was a marketing decision. 

*>RepCover's pricey, relatively speaking, so easing back on that is probably 
*>a cost-saving move. Fewer books are being bought on expense accounts these 
*>days I'd bet--dunno about you, but a couple of bucks can make a difference 
*>between an impulse purchase and not buying for me.

My expense account is dead, it is no more, it has ceased to be. I still
buy books but at $40+ a whack they are fewer and more considered.

This little 'Missing Manual' books rule and they're ~$20 which is a nice
change in tech books.


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