Frank Willison. Here's the link where they announce his death and
reprint many of his quotes

Ob Perl Reference - Frank On Perl Evangelists:
"One word of warning: if you meet a bunch of Perl programmers on the bus
or something, don't look them in the eye. They've been known to try to
convert the young into Perl monks."

On Thu, 2002-01-10 at 10:44, Chris Devers wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Joe Johnston wrote:
> > The slow conference season, business deals that didn't blossom as well
> > as expected and the death of their editor-in-chief all contributed to
> > what can only be called a shitty year. 
> Oh no! May I ask who the editor-in-chief was? None of the books seem to
> mention this position at all, though I've noticed that they have been
> adjusting the format of their books recently (not as many with RepCover
> binding, less color on the book spines (is the ink expensive or is this
> just aesthetic?), etc., and the colophons now read, not "designed by Edie
> Freedman", but "based on a series design by Edie Freedman", which had me
> wondering if she might have left the company...
> > Should O'Reilly fail to recover, the Open Source movement would lose one
> > of its earliest and loudest supporters. This isn't to say the OSS would
> > disappear, but it might be harder for some technologies (like Python or
> > XML-RPC) to break through to a wider audience.
> Yes, this is what I was thinking. It seems like the appearance of an
> O'Reilly book on a given subject could promote it from an esoteric niche
> into something that a lot of publishers would start writing about because 
> a lot of people had begun using it. These research/work areas certainly
> weren't originated with ORA, and having ORA's blessing isn't necessarily
> the most significant point in a project's evolution, but the attention
> drawn by one of their books can't be a bad thing. .
> > Perl will be fine.  Remember, O'Reilly isn't a software house; they're a
> > publisher of great books. Still, I hope 2002 brings decidedly better
> > news to ORA. 
> Hear hear!
> > If you would like to help O'Reilly, do consider buying a book from their
> > web site (
> Do they get a significantly bigger cut if you buy things there as opposed
> to in a regular bookstore? I suppose so -- indie record labels get more if
> you buy direct, so why shouldn't indie publishers be the same way? But is
> shipping cost set against that bigger cut for them? Would that cancel out
> the advantage of buying from their site? 
> -- 
> Chris Devers, no longer afraid of VB, for it does not tempt me
> "People with machines that think, will in times of crisis, 
> make up stuff and attribute it to me" - "Nikla-nostra-debo"

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