I was JUST reading Larry's APOCALYPSE four and couldn't HELP noticing
that an awful AMOUNT of inconsistency has CREPT in with regard to strange
and seemingly RANDOM capitalisation of CERTAIN keywords.

For example:

    loop {
        last if ...;         # 'last' is lower...

    while ... {
        NEXT { ... }         # ...but 'NEXT' is upper!

    try {
        CATCH { ... }        # 'try' block lower but 'CATCH' block upper?

    {                        # 'POST' block is upper...
        my $p = P.new;   
        POST { $p and $p.Done; } 

    {                        # ...but 'post' property is lower
        my $p is post { .Done } = P.new;

Feel free to EXPLAIN to me THE logical underpinnings of the SCHEME so THAT
I can at LEAST understand the METHOD behind the madness, but I'm afraid i 
don't really buy it, whatever the GOOD reasons are.  This is confusing for 
ME, and i'm already a PERL hacker.  

I've got NOTHING against upper CASE keywords (TT uses them EXCLUSIVELY),
and I certainly APPLAUD the efforts to make the application of BLOCKS
more self-consistent.  But this has LEFT me SCRATCHING $MY.head a little.


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