In message <Pine.SOL.3.96.1020123114333.1875K-100000@tsunami>,
Chris Devers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Struan Donald wrote:
> > Regardless of what you might think of Java, C#, Ruby et al they are
> > fairly new and hence in some people's eyes[1] better not to mention more
> > buzzword friendly. 
> Aren't Perl & Java pretty much the same age? Isn't C# just Java in
> different clothing? And Ruby, well, there's a bit of hype in the Perl
> community (usually coming across as similar to parental pride at an
> offspring that is growing up into a fine, upstanding adult), but is 
> anyone actually using Ruby for anything serious at this point? 

Define "serious".  Ruby currently stands, in an intermediary role, between
the fine people that use UKOnline and "bad things" on the internet.  It's 
also being infiltrated into other areas of the easynet[1] systems (but
don't tell them, they fear change.)

Seriously, though, the Ruby script replaced some C code and is a lot
easier to maintain (even with my shonky coding), it's a lot more flexible,
and the performance doesn't suck that much in comparison.  The main
problem I have with Ruby for easynet[1] is that most of the things I do
need web frontends and I really need Template Toolkit for that.  Hopefully
someone[2] will take pity on me and port it to Ruby RSN.  Then I'll start
replacing the evil PHP and Perl we have lying around with Ruby.  *cackle*

[1] branding guidelines, "bold and with a lower-case 'e'"
[2] I started, got bored, gave up.
rob partington % [EMAIL PROTECTED] %

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