On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 09:04:15PM +0000, Chris Carline wrote:
> The key here is that Microsoft are trying to create a language-independent 
> platform; whereas the alternative (Java) ties you to the one approach.

That's not strictly true.  Microsoft are try to create a language
independant *Microsoft* platform; whereas the alterantive (Java) doesn't
tie you to one operating system.

MS want you to be able to use N different languages on your Microsoft box,
but they most certainly *don't* want you to be able to run Visual Basic or 
C# on a Linux box, for example.

C# and .NET is just another marketing smoke screen, just like COM et al 
before it.  You can safely ignore both these technologies.  Microsoft are 
going down, anyway. :-)

If, on the other hand, Parrot fulfills its potential then it will truly be
a cross-platform, cross-language solution.  Much better.


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