On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 03:06:51AM -0600, Richard Clyne wrote:

> Because some things work better on NT than on Unix.  As long as
> decisions are made based on the suitability of the platform for the
> application, then I've got nothing against NT etc.

Yep. We're running MimeSweeper on NT, forwarding to a Sun box as a
pop3 server after filtering... if anyone can direct me to a better
*nix only system that's as easy to configure with as good support
that won't be troublesome to install and migrate to, I'd be interested
but our own research hasn't found anything.

KCBpd lWmulvo ECS+ m5 CPEIV B13 Ou Lmb Sc+isIC+ T++ A6LAT H6oe b5 D+
 - See http://bob.bob.bofh.org/~giolla/bobcode.html for decoding
Website: http://www.cpio.org/~grimoire
Writing: http://www.livejournal.com/~diffrentcolours

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