* Leo Lapworth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Sky Buffy... don't scroll if you didn't see
> it last night.
> spoiler...
> Wow, cool, and amazing, I didn't think it would work.

so what do you think your favourite tune was? (the mp3's were on
gnutella the next morning)

I must admit i liked "I've got a theory", but mainly due to the Bunny

> I actually think it was one of the best episodes I've
> seen in a long time,

get ready to become an Angel fan, BtVS goes down hill after this.
although that might just be because we haven't seen the big baddy for
the series yet.

> not saying that the singing was
> great or that they are usually bad or anything, but it
> just seemed to work for me.

Giles can sing quite well, he's got the accent and he knows where to
point it. Tara can sing as well. Buffy wasn't bad, but Willow and
Xander seemed to keep a little quiet ;-)


Greg McCarroll                       

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