* at 18/02 12:59 +0000 Rob Partington said:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Simon Wistow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > By globalised I meant when a brand has been changed to fit in with a
> > more homegenised global ideal.
> But it's being changed to fit in with a more homogenised global ideal.
> They're being changed because it's a whole lot easier dealing with one
> brand name.  I read a rationale somewhere about the SuperMop (I think)
> that pointed out that having one brand over all of Europe meant they
> could launch the product 6-9 months earlier and at about 50% of the cost.

but the point is that this attitude leads to the homigenisation of
everything as it's easier. Now in some cases this is fine (netowrk
protocols as an example) but largely it's not. the ability to find
irish/english theme pubs in most major european cities is enormously
depressing, never mind mcdonalds et al.

and ok, this might be simon's reducing ab absurdium but when you get
kids the worl over wanting a mcdonalds over the local cuisine and
nike's and so on it begin's to get less funny. for me anyway.

and then there's the labour market evilness that comes with all of

<insert type="std anti capitalsim/globalisation rant" />

an empowered and informed member of society ;)

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