From: "Struan Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> however you look at it globalisation is only good for the large
> companies and not for anyone else.
sorry for snipping everything, but I have no idea how you can come to that
conclusion. I'm not for it, but I can see many benefits:

I can walk into a BK restaurant anywhere in the world and know exactly what
I'm eating. Same for Pizza Hut et al.

I can buy a Sony walkman in Singapore, and have it repaired under guarantee
in the UK

I can buy a German BMW and have it serviced at a registered BMW garage in
the UK.

I can buy a DVD in the US, and play it on my DVD player in the UK ..... skip that one :-)

Anyway, there are advantages for the consumer; there are disadvantages too,
but it's not as black and white as you're painting it.


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