On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 10:16:35PM +0000, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> >> [...] to bring Perl programming friends along, maybe to encourage old
> >> members of the list who don't turn up that often to come along [...]

Well, I'm one of the oldest members and don't turn up that often (altho'
living 6,000miles away for three years must be *some* kind of excuse),
so if this is <8th March I'll certainly come along!

I'd endorse the rest of what you said, especially dancing Leons. (more
than one??)

> I should possibly explain why I think this is so important.
> I'm sure there are plenty of lurkers on this list who would fit in
> very well with the general core of people who come to all or most of
> the social events.  I was subscribed to the list for ages before I
> came along to anything (though admittedly this was partly due to not
> having moved to London yet).  Meeting people in London is difficult in
> general; meeting people who fit your mindset is harder still.  I think
> Greg's suggestion is an excellent catalyst for getting the people who
> are still wondering about whether to come along and meet us, to
> finally take the plunge.



Paul Makepeace ....................................... http://paulm.com/

"What is a mote? An abominable pimple on the face of God."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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