On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 10:30:56AM +0000, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
> That's _SO_ unfair. For a moment I actually thought my prayers had been
> answered and that irc was, finally, dead. Instead, the only thing that's
> died is one poxy server and a couple of bots. I mean that's a bit like
> saying "Sheep exctinct" because you just ate a lamb chop. 
> I was just about to rush outside and to see the bleary eyed 1337 kiddies
> and troglodyte sysadmins emerge blinking and zombie like into the
> daylight, dimly aware that their entire universe had just collapsed.
> Damn you and your inaccurate message subjects.
> Oh well, back to work on RFC 3241 -  "irc redefined as a bug, patch
> available".

HrDeHar.  :)))

Natalie Ford .................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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