On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 09:20:22AM -0000, Clayton, Nik [IT] wrote:
> So I'm writing some (hopefully) fairly useful Perl modules at $dayjob, and
> want to release them to the outside world.  I suspect this is going to be 
> a novelty to the corporate lawyers.
> Has anyone here had experience of doing this sort of thing at large
> companies,

We try to do this whenever possible at the BBC.  Amongst others, our to-do
system is open soresed and of course there's betsie.

> and making the arguments for open source'ing your code?  Any war stories, or
> tips you can pass on?

Tip: deliberately infect your code with the GPL :-)

With this in mind, I keep meaning to write Acme::Licence, which will make
it oh-so-easy to make your code GPL-compliant, whilst disguising itself as
a handy-dandy module for making sure your code is licenced and can tell
users about it :-)

Grand Inquisitor Reverend David Cantrell | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

  The test of the goodness of a thing is its fitness for use.  If it fails
  on this first test, no amount of ornamentation or finish will make it
  any better, it will only make it more expensive, more foolish.
     -- Frank Pick, lecture to the Design and Industries Assoc, 1916

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