On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 05:06:44PM +0000, Simon Wilcox wrote:
> Not true. You're in a chicken and egg situation. Google ranks by the
> number of people that link to you. How do people link to you unless they
> know you are there ?

Google does not rank purely by the number of people who link to you!
It's just one of a number of things google uses to rank documents.

By intelligently structuring your HTML, you can also improve your search 
rankings in google. (by "intelligently structuring" I mean that <title> tags
are correctly used, header tags and the like are meaningful, etc).

Please read: http://www7.scu.edu.au/programme/fullpapers/1921/com1921.htm
for a better understanding of how it all works. (or at least *used* to
work - but if you implement the sorts of things they talk about, your
google ranking WILL improve!).

> Google also takes a long time to get up the chart as it takes time for
> people to link to you and then for their sites to be re-indexed.

Initially, yes it does. If you update your site regularly though, changes
you make to your site show up orders of magnitude faster (I once linked to
an advert featuring Kylie in my blog and the next day was one of the top 
links in Google for "kylie advert" and "kylie agent" (amongst others). I
received a frightening number of hits with google referrers after that 8).

Anyway. Just my tuppence ha'penny.


Chris Carline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://chris.carline.org/
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