> Perhaps that tells you something about heavily "designed" sites.  I didn't
> make any special effort to make my sites search-engine-friendly, they just
> turned out that way because they weren't built by some overpaid crack
> monkey with three-quarter-length khaki trousers and an amusing T-shirt.

Personally I think that the site we have is the best estate agent site
for London (notice I said best not prefect). I alway get very dissapointed 
looking at other sites (as I'm trying to move atm). So getting people
to visit it isn't a con if they are after that sort of thing.

Yes, the site was designed badly in terms of search engines 
(well, they wernt' considered  by the design company to be honest) but 
I don't see online 'Marketing' and trying to improve search engine 
ratings relevant to estate agents as a bad thing.

The idea of the mini site was to create area specific data and
wrap that as a site, again the information should be relevant,
I'm not trying to 'trick' users into visiting, just need to
improve the site's visability on search engines.

It's always a mine field of where to draw the line.

I'd just like to thank everyone that has responded both
on and off list, the information has been very useful.

I'll do a little report back in a few months once we've
actually done something.



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