On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 05:06:44PM +0000, Simon Wilcox wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, David Cantrell wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 03:23:16PM +0000, Leo Lapworth wrote:
> > > I've been asked to get a company in to help improve
> > > our search engine ranking (which no one has even
> > > considered in recent years). Does anyone have
> > > any recomendations ?
> > Yes, it's simple.  Make sure that the content is relevant, well-organised
> > and above all USEFUL.  Google will do the rest.
> Not true. You're in a chicken and egg situation. Google ranks by the
> number of people that link to you. How do people link to you unless they
> know you are there ?

You let people know that you are there through effective marketing.  Yes,
there *is* a place for marketing :-)

> > > I even get the concept of mini sites to feed traffic
> > <cough> shurely you're not thinking of defrauding the users by artificially
> > improving your position?  Again, if your content is good, you'll do well,
> It's called Marketing and it happens all the time !

No, it's called lieing.  Marketing is different.  It is unfortunate that
most marketeers are also liars, but they don't have to be, and in an
honourable company they won't be.

> > if it's not good then you don't DESERVE to do well.  As an example, google
> > for London Perl.  london.pm.org is right at the top, despite not making any
> > special effort.  Or google for David Cantrell.  Again, right at the top of
> > the list (and second too with a different site) with no special effort
> > other than having content that people seem to think is useful.
> As it happens most of these sites are search engine friendly but many
> heavily "designed" sites are not. Overuse of graphics, frames and a lack
> of metadata seriously spoil any chance you have of a decent position.

Perhaps that tells you something about heavily "designed" sites.  I didn't
make any special effort to make my sites search-engine-friendly, they just
turned out that way because they weren't built by some overpaid crack
monkey with three-quarter-length khaki trousers and an amusing T-shirt.

David Cantrell | Benevolent Dictator | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

  o/~ I want my SMTP o/~

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