From: "Steve Mynott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Also you do actually have to get a proper fan and attach it correctly
> with the special heat conducting gell stuff (from TCR fair).

Arctic Silver (, available from,
Telemart etc. is *the* stuff.

> The only downside is the whole thing makes a _hell_ of a lot of noise.

What? I can't hear you! :-)

> If you are sure the thing is running cool and you are still having
> odd, hardware(?) problems I would then check your RAM next (don't
> trust the useless BIOS RAM test which I have seen fail to spot stuff).

For which ye tool of choice, at least for me, is Memtest86, available from:

Memory isn't worth scrimping on - my current fave supplier is - they are a subsidiary of Micron, one of the largest
branded memory suppliers in the world. (As an aside, I recently got a 32MB
DIMM for my Laserjet 2200D from them - HP original part: ~£220. Micron part
~£15 inc. delivery (those nos. are correct - about 7% of HP's price! Talk
about exploiting the ignorant!).

If you leave it running this for a day or two without error you can be
pretty sure your system is stable, at least so far as the CPU, board and
memory go. As for what you run on it...


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