Thanks for all the feedback folks.

I'm erring towards worldpay because:

1) I don't have to host the https server and worry about
   the security aspect. I can also customise the pages
   through a web interface.


2) I don't have to have a Merchant ID which frankly just
   seems a pain.

Datacash do look cheaper, but that doesn't include the
Bank percentage, the https server + sysadmin, or the
development (how ever easy) at my end.

I'll try worldpay and see what happens, if we get even
half what the MD thinks we will (some how I doubt it)
I'll do some more shopping around at a later stage as
the annual fee is just 150 quid (which includes
3 currencies) so we wouldn't be too tied in.

Ask me after September and I'll give you feedback
how easy / hard it was to actually impliment.



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