On Wed, 29 May 2002 17:23:17 +0100 (BST), Mark Fowler wrote:
>    my $foo = { delete => $cgi->param("delete") };
> May not do what you think, especially if someone went 
>    foo.cgi?delete=1;delete=filename;delete=/etc/shadow

Hey, don't spoil the only good bit of my TPC talk!

        Peter Haworth   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'Are you *really* willing to deal with hundreds of newbies who don't
 understand why $a . $b isn't the same as $a .$b and isn't the same as
 $a. $b and isn't the same as $a.$b? And do you realise what the only
 "good" answer we can possibly give them is? "Because Ed said so".'
                -- Simon Cozens

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