> > Playing with virtual machines is great fun, though. Everyone should do
> > it once, even if it seems like it is a little low-level.
> Pah!  Everyone should also write their own language, with an interpreter
> or compiler; they should write their own OS too, and at least one device
> driver for some other OS.

Hehe. You mock, but I'm sad enough to have a little mental lists of
'programming things I want to do before I die'.

-) Write a portable full featured e-mail client in Perl/Tk, so I can use it
on both my Windows and Linux machines. (Started)
-) Write a simple 32 bit multitasking OS, nothing fancy. (Researched most of
this, completed a little)
-) Port a C compiler to said OS
-) Write a compiler of my own
-) Develop my own microcontroller using FPGA.

And lately, "Write a virtual machine" has been added to the list. Anyone
else got any programming challenges they'd like to try and meet before their
time is up?


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