On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 11:26, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> Having an email address on a website is *not* permission to send
> commercial material.

would you have been so angry if they'd have found your physical address 
and sent you a letter, that you could mull over while eating your rice
crispies in the morning?  

i'm guessing that it would have cost manning a fair amount of time/money
to prepare and send that email, and cost you very little in comparison
to receive it.  that's the difference between their mail and mass
unsolicited mailouts.

being automatically subscribed to mailing lists is very annoying
indeed.  i'll never go to one of those linux expo's because of all the
spam i got from them.  but i find the commercial/noncommercial split
irrelevant.  does anyone ever send an email without some perceived
benefit to themselves?


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