At 16/07/2002 17:03 [], you wrote:
> >>>>> "Nic" == Nic Gibson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     >> This sets off alarm bells along the lines of "MSSQL does this
>     >> right...All the other (and generally faster, etc..BETTER) RDBMSs
>     >> can't implement this properly...
>Um, there are very few engines faster than MSSQL - Sybase and Oracle,
>I'd imagine - and they're both far more expensive.  I think it's widely
>accepted that MSSQL represents the best performance/price tradeoff of
>any database engine.

Well, in my experience (which admittedly doesn't encompass MSSQL 2000), 
MSSQL is slow as shit, whereas Sybase, Oracle, DB2, or even OpenIngres 
massively outpace it. Postgres is slowish, but at least it seems to work ;)


S. Joel Bernstein
joel at fysh dot org
t: 020 8458 2323

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