On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 10:47:23AM +0100, Roger Burton West wrote:
> On or about Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 10:43:17AM +0100, Peter Haworth typed:
> >Surely you shouldn't rely on sequences being contiguous, anyway? Who cares
> >if your test eats up some values; their only purpose should be to ensure
> >uniqueness.
> Contiguity becomes important when you're doing things like generating
> invoice numbers.

I've been told that before, but I've never understood why.

On the rare occasions when I generate invoices, I ensure uniqueness by making
the invoice number something like YYYYMMDDN.

David Cantrell    |    Reprobate    |    http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

   Perl may be the best solution for processing a text
   file, but asking a group of Perl Mongers clearly isn't
                                                  -- aef, in #london.pm

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