On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 11:55:12PM +0200, Paul Johnson wrote:
> My mail is sitting on my machine at home, in mbox format.  I'm sitting
> at work, behind a firewall.  My machine at home is running Debian Woody.
> I want to read and send mail, securely.

If you really want webmail,  I haven't tried this one yet, but it's
written in nice'n'easy to understand Perl as a CGI script and has some
cool features.  Even the online demo appears to work:


It expects mail to be in maildir format so you either have to convert
your mailbox to this format (reccomended) or hack the code to
support mbox (there must be a module on CPAN that would do hard stuff).

Of course, stunnel and/or running sshd on funny ports would probably
be easier and ultimately more rewarding.

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