On Sun, Oct 06, 2002 at 10:27:09AM +0100, Robert Shiels wrote:
> I've just about decided to go for ADSL, and Nildram have been recommended
> here, so I go to this page:
> https://www.getadsl.co.uk/services_home.htm
> and now I'm not really sure what I want. I think the cheapest option will
> probably be fine, but maybe I want a static IP address, I'm not sure. I
> don't need web space. Maybe I should be looking at their secure service
> instead!

A static IP is a very useful thing.  Even if you don't have one right now
with whatever you use to connect at the moment, once you have one you'll
find all sorts of wonderful things to do with it.

> I WILL be running this on a Windows PC [1], I will be playing Unreal
> Tournament and downloading MP3 files mostly, and I'd quite like to be able
> to access my home PC remotely to retrieve files when I'm at work.

Please tell me you won't be turning SMB on or using IIS!  In any case, if
you want remote access, a static IP is a must.  Yeah yeah, I know about
dyndns and stuff, but a static IP is soooo much better.

>                                                                   And of
> course fast surfing. I have 3 or 4 other PCs in my house with wireless cards
> in them from which I'd like to be able to access the internet through the
> ADSL connection too.
> Can I do all this for the £22.99 a month, and what hardware will I need to
> buy.

If this is the "wires only" thing, then you'll need a splitter/faceplate for
the phone line (which I think BT will supply), and a router.  I expect
Nildram can supply that, or recommend a supplier.  If you decide to shop
around to get a good deal, don't forget that all UK DSL uses PPPoA.

Oh, and it seems that DSL routers are built down to a chosen cost, not up
to a desired quality.  That's one reason I like hiring my router - it means
that when it fails (I've killed two so far) BT replace it for free.

> [1] this is a definite, so please don't tell me I should be running Linux, I
> already know :-)

There's nowt wrong with using a Windows desktop.  However, with a DSL
connection, you will be connected permanently, and the script kiddies *will*
find you.  At least consider using a twenty quid piece of shit running a BSD
or Linux as a firewall and NAT box.

David Cantrell    |    Reprobate    |    http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

If you're doing business with a religious son of a bitch, get it in writing.
His word isn't worth shit, not with the Good Lord telling him how to fuck you
on the deal   -- W.S.Burroughs, "Words of Advice for Young People"

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