On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 10:30:19AM -0000, Ivor Williams wrote:
> > VMS isn;t quite that nasty (although it fills my days with a constant
> > nagging pain), but it has no idea of case, does most everythign in caps,
> > and ignores illegal characters typed in passwords without giving you a
> > warning, as well as ignoring case in passwords...
> VMS++
> I &heart; VMS

I despise VMS.  My employer still uses it.  All our custom configuration
management and proprietary language compilers are written to run on it.

I don't like DCL and my admins don't have enough clue to have installed
any decent editors so I'm stuck with eve or edt (yuck!!!).  Arse to DCL!
(Now I want to be ill all over the keyboard (yuck, yuck, yuck!))

'I only managed to make it run down the main (for us) road and then on down
Lover's Lane. (That was deliberate, as it was then trapped.)' - Marc talking
about his adventures with a sheep.
Addendum: 'They're from the city - they don't understand'

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