On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 09:34:06AM +0000, Alex McLintock wrote:
> Manning have asked me to be a technical reviewer for one of their (non 
> perl) books.
> I have heard that other people on this list have done technical reviewing 
> too.
> Is it standard practice that technical reviewers don't get paid? I am happy 
> to do the review anyway because I run DiverseBooks.com but I'd like to know 
> that I am not being taken advantage of.

My experience is that it varies from one publisher to another.  Some pay
money, some don't.  Those that do pay money don't pay much, the others
will give you a free copy of the book once it's published (what Manning
do) or let you pick a couple of books for free that they have already
published.  I don't think I'm being taken advantage of.

David Cantrell    |    Degenerate    |    http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

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