On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 02:06:44AM +0000, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 06:49:52PM -0500, Chris Devers wrote:
> > I've tried putting the demo version of Oracle on somewhat better hardware
> > (sorry, it's been a while & I forget all specs) and, aside from the fact
> You really do have to throw one honkin' chunk o' RAM at it. Not to
> mention disk space for the install; 9i is over a gig download. Further,

Tell me about it:
        Memory: 12G real, 5823M free, 1999M swap free

Only 5.8GB free because I restarted Solaris this morning to change
max shmem to 4GB ... it'll be gone by tonight and the app (Oracle
Financials) still runs like a dog.

> Of course, the conspiracy theorists would claim this is to keep DBA &
> consultants in business...

Chris Benson

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