This is driving me nuts - I'm beginning to wonder whether it's even

Given <a target="view">...</a> (or <form target="view" or whatever) if
the "view" window doesn't already exist, a browser will typically pop it
up. And presumably internally name it "view".

What I'd like to do now is some facility for getting the browser to name
a window either using HTML or, worse, HTTP. So suppose a page loads I
name it "view" then other pages can target it.

I've even tried the obscure(?) Netscape-ism,
$r->header_out('window-target', 'view'); with no joy. I think this is
more to tell where the browser to display the window however.

You'd think this would be as simple as something like <html name="view"
... but oooh no.

Using a frameset is not an option, despite it being a workable
solution :-)


PS Here's the actual scenario. User logs in and see a list of things.
   This is what I'd like to be the "list" window, with a collection of
   links to things to view, wrapped in <a target="view"...>. This will
   pop up a "view" window. Now, in the view window there is a <form
   target="list"...> which I'd like to have submit back to the original
   "list" window - so you can see the workflow bounces between the two
   (the user can deal with alt-tab'ing for now). The hard bit is,
   without popping up a window, getting the browser to think the
   original "list" window is named list. Right now, it doesn't and pops
   a third window (whereupon the bouncing back and forth does now work,
   but ignoring the original window).

   ?? -> View <-> List

PPS Yes, I'm trying to avoid JavaScript for now.

Paul Makepeace .......................................

"If my brain fell out, then it will follow you home."

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