On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 08:19:12AM +0000, Leon Brocard wrote:
> Mark Fowler sent the following bits through the ether:
> > P.S. 5.6.0?  Shall I get you some rocks to bash together too?
> That was an interesting thread. Now, it's really easy to have multiple
> version of Perl running on the same box (let's ignore mod_perl for now
> ;-) so why hasn't everyone done so? I know I'm very lazy, but what's
> your excuse?

My ibook running Jagwyre has 5.8.0 installed.  Twice.  Because for a previous
version of MacOSX I had to compile 5.8 myself and when I upgraded the system-
supplied perl must have gotten upgraded to the same version.  Even so, my
version is linked against different libraries so I'd quite like to keep it.

On my server I have /usr/bin/perl as 5.00503 cos that's what debian 2.2 has,
and /usr/local/bin/perl is 5.6.1.  I don't need anything out of 5.8 so
haven't bothered upgrading yet.

David Cantrell | Member of the Brute Squad | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

  Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced

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