On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 11:00:48PM +0000, Natalie S. Ford said:
> i am sure that muttley can explain further, but a scart cable upgrade
> should sort you out, dave.  

<unlurk from down under>

As mentioned ad nauseaum ever since the release of the lifestyle
accesory masquerading as a console </troll ;)> the DVD player in the PS2
is shit. IIRC it's not one of the normal mechanisms used by Sony in
their fine consumer DVDs but, instead, one optimized for games i.e lots
of random access and various other gamy things. It's one of the reasons
why DVD isn't actually the best medium for games and *one* of the
reasons Sega went with the propietary GD-ROM format.

That said, by getting the DVD upgrade, if you haven't already (it takes
up about 4-8mb on the VMU IIRC), then the quality does improve. You can
either by it with the little remote control or I could probably source
you a temporary copy on return to Blighty.

Even still there was fair uproar in Japan when PS2s were found incapable
of playing some very popular DVD, possibly the Mononoke or Spirited Away
or something.

There were problems with the Scart cables of PS2s resulting in excessive
greenness of pictures, and this could be fixed by using composite or
getting a better scart cable. It doesn't sound like your problem though.

TBH, I'd just by a cheapo DVD player or something especially since then
you could get a region free one. Tescos at one point were doing a
Wharfdale for a hundred quid that got good reviews from What-DVD and had
the bonus of allowing you to set the region using handset codes. 

> alternatively, use your laptop as a dvd drive and plug it in to your tv?

Quick question - recently, whilst trying to watch a DVD on a laptop (a
lateish model Vaio) on the TV via composite out (little yellow headphone
jack sized female socket?) we'd get a sharp picture of the desktop but a
black rectangle where the DVD was playing. This was in Windows media
Player and some proprietary DVD app so I presume it was a codec issue. 

I saw mention of 'overlay' or something but turning off various options
to do with that gave no joy.

Any ideas?


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