On Saturday 11 January 2003 13:08, Nicholas Clark wrote:

> If you have a short answer to the above question, consider this analogy:
> If I have a physical book, I could unbind it, and allow different
> programmers to borrow only the pages they needed. What stops me unbinding
> my electronic file into separate pages, so that no page is being used more
> than once simultaneously?

many books contain in their licence a clause 'this book shal not be lent, 
hired or resold in anyhting other than this original binding'  intended to 
cover i suspect, exactly that situation.

IANAL, but I suspect if you look carefully the at the license that came with 
your document, that should clear up your point. I would imagine that 
distributing it via NFS (regardless of the technicalitites of how many 
'copies' exist) would class as 'publishing by electronic means' or 

If the book is any good, just buy more copies rather than trying to find 
'weasel-word' cluases that allow you to short change the authors. :) 
Alternatvely just use whatever GPL documentation is available.

Robin Szemeti

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