On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 12:01:12PM -0600, Nigel Hamilton wrote:
> Where do you think the rights come from in the first place?

Society (governments) decided to grant them to whomever.

> The GPL, CCL, Berkley licence (pick your licence) .... all rely on one
> thing: Copyright.
> And the power is in the author's hands to licence it whatever way
> they want!

I've heard this argument before, it misses a very important point.
Those licences you mention only exist to try to give you the "rights"
you would have had if there was no such thing as a copyright. If there
were no copyright laws would we need the GPL, CCL, Berkley licence etc.?
I think not.

>> Of course. The point I believe Andy is making is that copyright law
>> no longer servers readers or authors, but publishers. Raging against
>> the machine is exactly the point; the machine is what's getting the
>> power, not the people.
> I totally disagree ... copyright protects the author ... and it's the
> underlying legal machinery that *makes* the GPL (and others) work!

It's the underlying legal machinery that makes the GPL (and others)

Libra: (Sept. 23 - Oct. 23) You will have one of the worst days of your
life next week. However, since it's one of several thousand worst days
of your life, it's not all that significant.

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