Nigel Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> HI Paul,
>       I could read the Lessig article 100 times ... it doesn't change 
> the facts:
>       * copyright law protects individual authors - first and foremost - 
>     by protecting their intellectual output
>       * copyright is instant, automatic, free, flexible (e.g., GPL) and 
> close to universal (Berne Convention).
>       Nasty corporate interests don't negate these advantages.        
>       It's what authors do with these rights that's the 'main game' ... 
> corporations don't have ideas - people do. 

You are aware of how close the US Recording Industry got to having
music written while under contract to a record company reclassified as
'work for hire', ie work where the copyright belonged immediately and
irrevocably to the record company concerned rather than the artist?

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