On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 01:18:41PM +0000, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
> Anyone using Linux on anything with lots of CPU's? Attempt to do 
> searches for 'linux smp' on google tends to get me documents last 
> updated in 1997.
> I used to run it happily on 2 CPU's, but I wondered if anyone was doing 
> it seriously on more than 4.

Seen it run fine on 2 and 4 way Intel setups. Long periods of time doing
moderately hard work.
Haven't tried more than that.. Never really had a task that was suited to it,
really. Just started spreading across more servers instead, which gets you
other bonuses too.

For >4 way, Intel architecture probably isn't the way to go.

Moving on to something else -- I remember AMD claiming that the K7 stuff used
EV6 interconnects or something, and so should work a lot better than the
Pentium for SMP. Has anyone actually gone out and compared performance of
2,4,etc way setups?
(Is there even >2-CPU AMD boards out there?)


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

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