On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 06:56:58AM +0000, Piers Cawley wrote:
> Chris Devers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Piers Cawley wrote:
> >
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >>
> >> >> I won't be doing YAPC::Eu this year, I'm doing YAPC::NA -> TPC
> >> >> via the Appalachians, DC, NW, Boston, Vermont, Michigan,
> >> >> Chicago, Minneapolis, North Dakota, the Rockies.
> >> >
> >> > Which section of the Apalachans?  Going anywhere near NC?
> >>
> >> Um... most of them. Where's NC?
> >
> > Southern end of the chain, about halfway down the east coast,
> > between Georgia, Virginia et al. The NC section of the Appalachains
> > is really nice (but then, I grew up there, so I would say that :).
> Well, we're planning on starting at Atlanta so that's a yes. Where's
> good to stop?

A little east of the mountains, but Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill is
fun.  Chapel Hill of course is the only place in North Carolina with a
Sonic Youth song named for it.

Speaking of fun college towns, while in Atlanta, pop over to Athens
and hang out at the 40 Watt club, home of REM.  Sorta anyway.  It's on
its fourth location, but still fun.  Peter Buck's ex still owns it, I

Most of my US tourism centers around dingy rock clubs.  I can tell you
the best place to see a noisy band in about 35 states, but I'm less
good on campgrounds, etc.
Whatever, I'm still waiting for the Next Grunge...Chris Devers

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