----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Mynott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 12:50 PM

> On Saturday, Mar 1, 2003, at 10:27 Europe/London, Lusercop wrote:
> > So 2 comments and at least 12 unique unobvious undocumented constants.
> I think comment counting is a rather crude metric of code "quality" and
> a lot of the constants aren't that unobvious in context since most
> people looking at MTA source are likely to know how many seconds there
> are in an hour etc.

  But Roger Pressman, in its book "Software Engineering - A Practitioner's
Approach" says that good quality documentation is a good metric for good
quality software. I think that this should be taken in consideration.

> > That's enough of the *worst* things I've found. Most of it is
> > completely uncommented, and the source is scattered in
> > loads of little files with a single function in them.
> > There are man pages though.
> I am no C guru but I found it relatively easy to modify parts of
> djbdns.  It's very much old school C and comments aren't a priority for
> DJB but I disagree that its particularly badly written code.   Of
> course he uses his own library functions because he thinks the standard
> UNIX ones broken.  Certainly there don't seem to be any buffer
> overflows or format string holes there AFAIK.

  Pressman's book agains disagree on you, and so do I. (I'm sorry about
  Good documentation is the basis of a good software project.
  DJB is a great programmer, but a not-so-good software engineer: he can
project, and code. But he can't document its programs so others can
understand and help. This is as bad as a "bad coder", IMHO.

  Luis Campos de Carvalho
  Computer Science Student

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